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Queen to E6

Queen to e6 for rea

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Huh???? me no get

double hande, air force base, ghost barrel, nuff said



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queen to e6

i tried using the wavy handle coffee base and shrodinger's barrel build, but still can't get the last part.

Queen to E6


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Queen to C6

i have normal handles and the wavy one base is normal red coffee and radioactive barrels are everything excepts the one beside the music barrel to its left


i dont know

cant seem to unlock the double grip,  im using standard grip sstandard base monster arm. any way to improve this? i cant get past the orbs

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which double grip?
if its the one to end and far right use wavy handle coffee base and shrodingers
if its the one BESIDE the one of the far right use wavy handle radioactive base and the ghost launcher
NOTE: the game has random elements if it doesn work you just keep trying it
especially when trying to get the spread handles it takes a WHILE

What one is shrodingers?

the barrel that has the big words SHRODINGER carved into the side.

what's the best way to get it?

Very nice game. I finished

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im using the first handle the radioactive thing and the water thing which gets me the closest so far but ive gone trough like 30 days and no progress and i have the sound thing and monster arm hlp


Replace the radioactive base with the normal base, it should work fine then. 

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im having the same problem, and that doesnt work

edit: nevermind, i used the monster arm thing and it worked

wait i just looked at the thumnail on your homepage, THE H2O GUN SHOOTS FISHBOWLS?! i thought they were bubbles!


Guys, my heart is bumping about this game. This game is standing for all the passion I miss in most modern games. You guys did a fantastic job. Please contact me. I produce since 20 years 80s synthizer music and I would like to support you guys for free with my music. Really! Because you make these game I wished I had in my childhood.

Norman aka Alpha Boy

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So I got the music blaster(?) and weird monster arm(?), bases I have are radioactive and pipe thing, only 1 back part, now what???


I'm sorry if this is late, but if you use the normal base with the monster arm then you can get past 

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wow, this was a very interesting game, thank you for making this!


imho you should make a sequel, cos I'm wondering who the queen is, and why you have to deliver a message to her.

Queen to C6

you sunk my battleship

oh wait i get it now nvm


I may have found one of the best weapons in the game

How do you get that handle?


great game but im on the last two things the handle and the block and every combination i try doesn't get through


Playing the browser-version I have not an idea of how to control the game. Neither Mouse nor Keyboard does anithing.
BTW. Beautiful artwork!

thats the point you're only supposed to build the weapon then do nothing after you click ok

nice! I've delivered the message lol

How do you unlock past the first hilt? I've reached a point where no combos seem to work.

there's some randomization, if you find yourself going very close to a box, keep trying with that combination and you'll eventually get it

Amazing game love the art stile. if i may i think you should make it were you get acheivements when you unlock new parts and monsters. also maybe if you like make the monster upon death die in a more... explosive way. but all in all i LOVE this game

That was a quite entertaining little time-killer you created! :) It was fun to get new parts for the weapons and to watch at their success or failure - also, the pixel art was exquisite as usually! Congratulations to the 13th place with that one in the Ludum Dare 32, it's well deserved. :) It was a pleasure for me to recommend this game in a short article on our blog as well as to upload a quick gameplay video of it.

Best wishes,