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i love gambling with my life

Great game 10/10


everytime i start i get hit immediantly 2 times in a row for the past 25 game


how do you even play

(3 edits) (+1)

place the minimum amount of ammo in revolver as specified, roll it and pull the trigger.

for every safe-shot, you earn gold and exp.

you can buy stuff with your gold and increase your stats&learn some spells with your exp.

the gold&exp you earn and the risk of getting shot is linear with the amount of ammo you put.

combo(safe-shot streak) also increases the gold&exp you earn.

click the map icon(top left), you'll see there are 24 levels, one with the helmet shows the level you are at.

the goal is to pass final level (top right level on the map), you don't have to pass evey single level.

each level has 3 symbols on top and 5 symbols on bottom.

symbols on top indicates how many remaining safe-shots you need to pass this level.

symbols on bottom indicates how many remaining turns you can earn money&exp from this level.

so in short, you need 3 safe-shots to pass a level and you cannot earn money&exp from this level after 5 total shots(safe or not).

btw, stuff on market changes frequently. make sure you check it often.

I figured a way out that we can actually end this game in literally five seconds. not sure it's an intended thing or not tho.

I checked the comments below. looks like people already knew this trick. the trick was selling the gun immediately after game started.

That ending made me laugh out loud XD Thanks for hinting a way to obtain it!

ahahah no problem, you are welcome


i do not understand this game at all but i am having fun losing, so 10/10 game totally recomend.


Literally just put seven bullets in the eight capacity revolver. Shot it and didn't get hit. Not even a dodge. Straight up, 12.5% chance luck! That literally made my day.

Bem! Legal a proposta


this game taught me that 1/6 (%16.67 chance) is not as small as I thought it would be.

theirs a glitch where if you use insight take the gun you holding out gun slot then put it back in you can still have insight but the gun is reloaded. pls fix

insight is very useful skill, but as you mention, just for this glitch&bug thing, I had to beat the game without using this skill.

the old gold!


insight and dominos, that's all you need.

i got dominos early and on their own they are a great item. I ended up saving to unlock insight pretty quick expecting it to only last for one shot then you had to cast it again. Oh boy was i happily mistaken, insight stays active until you roll the barrel again, meaning you could end up with a full round of empty shots before you reach any bullets. 

Pair insight with mana regen and the dominos and it became impossible to shoot myself unless i miss clicked, and i was never so low on mana that i couldn't cast it. (healing on the dominos was a bonus) I also got with the frog ring before long, which was a great addition to my set up. It added so much Hp, in exchange for evade and misfire stats, which had become obsolete due to insight, so no loss.

Frosting on the cake was an early 9 chamber pistol (got 10 just before the end) and the holy grail, which i didn't realize was a hat until i decided to shuffle my items around.

This build carried me from the fourth area blissfully to the final one. And the challenge became less "will i get shot" to "will i misclick and shoot myself". 

Regardless, i played several rounds before this and loved it, the art, the absurdity, the leveling and mechanics, all super fun. Even the 'god run' i had was still very fun to play. (:

Good work to all you who worked on this! 

I found a glitch that made it so that swapping guns with insight active allowed me to respin my barrel with no consequence and it took all the challenge out of the game.


This game can be fairly hard if you don't know understand statistics but there are a few ways you can minimize luck in your runs

1) ALWAYS use bullet gaps so if you get shot you will know how many times you can shoot before having to spin.

2)If you don't get shot ALWAYS re-spin your gun you no matter what your bullet gaps are it is always better to re-spin.

3)Armor sucks late game you should try to max out your max hp for late game.

3)Focus your stat points into health and max mana unless you are trying a dodge/misfire build the regen stats have better item alternatives.

This is the build i used to consistently win. it's optimized for not getting killed

 1) make your first shot contain 4 bullets and if it hits you restart 

2) try and get a domino as fast as you can. it will be the main part of this build for early game later game you will use the holy book and grail but the dominos are perfect for early. 

3) make sure you lvl HP once and get the heal skill after you get the heal skill only lvl up the main path of HP and Max mana. don't get any other skills till later. 

4) try and get a 9 or 10 round gun early to help minimize getting shot. 

5) once you have a good gun and domino/holy book you can start trying to get the holy grail and frog ring to max out your HP and mana 

6) after you have your gear build maxed then get the immortality skill all other points you get should go to max out your max mana and HP. 

7) in the last three areas use immortality for every shot and if you run out of mana then refill at the first area. 

8) win

Also 10/10 this game solved by boredom for a few hours.


Great game!
Simple yet engaging. Good Job.


This game is ridiculous and I love it.


I just shot myself in the head 3 times in a row. 10/10


i love it, but i relly think that the criticals fuck it up completely.

I found again this game on my 2nd account because I marked as Favorite. Omg, great times, I will play this again! 11/10

(1 edit)

Always like and love the luck bass game


how do you shoot

if anyone is wondering cursed mirrors does turn dmg into helas and you lose you hp but its one times and after that its 50 percent more damage and unremovable

new hyperfix, i adore this game so much AUGHHH

Please why...


weird glitch where when you have the Aegis item and a bullet takes you to exactly 0 hp, it softlocks the game. I love this game

how do i play put it in the desc



(1 edit) (+3)

I gotta say, I didn't expect lvl 4 damage to oneshot me when I have +375 HP and -75 damage :-(

I feel like in the end, the insight trick is the only way to beat the game, and it makes me a little sad- I wish other strategies were viable.


There actually is! I used the frog hat for 55% evasion, then poured all my ability points into the evasion tree - making sure to also just stay at the earlier stages if I was close to leveling up to nab the points. After that, I used the gun necklace to give me a bit of extra evasion. By the end, I was dodging most of the bullets I had trigger, only caveat is that if a bullet makes it past its way beyond the sliver of a chance to hit, it will kill. 


i have played since 2018 and i'm just getting to the end of the game i tried my original strat and I finally beat it It's a good game i'm surprised it took me 4 years to beat it


love playing this in school lmao


i almost got my chromebook taken away because of playing this in class lmao




finally completed my hardmode run


insight be really op god damn


lol!!!very good game!hope publish it on steam some day,i'll buy it in the first time. very Creative game


sell the gun and u will win the impressive,so much philosophical.

to win the gamble,only way is to give up the gamble



this game is so interesting,but I need chinese,bro


i really enojy this game, but damn it kicks my arse


I sold the gun and won the game


>a game where you commit suicide 
>41 in the title
Top kek.


u made the same joke half a year ago lil bro the dementia getting to u


nah how bro get that ratio on itch io I'm weak


i love this game so much


use INSIGHT and items/abilities that regenerate mana to WIN


basicaly how insta win... but is more fun if not

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