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95% chance of dodging.... get hitted first shot


thats called chance, you are the reason popular games lie about chances

Just a funny remark my guy, I think you missed your shoot


guys how about

we leave the poor man alone (the music is incredible)

You get free money


I had two bullets in a 9 round gun and like a 50% doge chance and a 5% miss chance and I got two bullets one after another and died

have you ever heard of chance?

really fun game

(1 edit)

Fav strat is to sell your gun

I have an issue where it doesn't show the "Fatal Shot" Warning, so I don't use the heal, and then I die. Keeps ruining my runs!

theres something called crit, its a chance that you'll die instantantly

Deleted post

the voices are getting louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder louder 


Two Dominoes + Insight + Large Revolver = Win

Deleted 334 days ago

i beat the game with only 3 upgrades and a 9 round revolver :)

Drop the strat?


buy the upgrade where you can see the bullets then when a bullet is in the gun unequip the gun then re equip it reload the revolver and that's it


the voices are louder


in gambling im not posessed or drunk


amazing game i can feel myself getting better at gambling


Good game, can be annoying at times, but that may just be my playstyle. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I died with Cracked Mirror, Holy Grail, The 10 shooter, and the bible(? Its whatever the book is) and it just went to a black screen 

(1 edit) (+3)

quite an exquisite game with an odd but cool theme. good game if you like luck games and the medieval theme. but i do find the game hard but that's only because im unlucky.




(2 edits) (+3)

all you need to beat the game is the dominoes a 10 shot revolver and the ability to see when a bullet is coming

(1 edit) (+1)

Values found.

(Direct) = changes to this value auto update game and info and vice versa.

(Indirect) = changes from game dont auto update this value HOWEVER updating this value changes game state.

(Direct) Gold: global._J9
(Indirect) Health: global._a9

How to cheat:
STEP 1: <for simple person method>
go to site:
which is where the actual game is, this way you can mod variables in chrome console. 
continue to step 2.

STEP 2:<for nerd method>:

load a custom script to intercept the iframe from loading as an iframe.

STEP 3:  go to chrome console, enter the value you want to modify and set it to something you want. EX:

global._J9 = 900            sets gold to 900
global._a9 = 300            gives full health

wonderful game <3
how i can play the android version?


Just download it, load in 1-6 bullets (for start i recommend 2)

roll the barrel and press the trigger icon!

the problem is that once downloaded I don't know how to play it, in the sense: it downloads the .bin file and I don't know how to make it work, I also extracted the files but I don't know which one is the executable one

Amazing game! 

Took me 3 days to find the right tactic


Basically i bought items that increase evade, misfire, and dodge

Then 10/9 bullet gun

upgrade mana regen related things, and the rhing that makes you see bullets (srry for my bad memory) 

basically you can use it almost infinately with high mana regen, unless u will always get a bullet with each roll xd, then its a game over, but nevertheless game's amazing! 

Great work, author! 


this helped a ton ty

awesome game but i found a bug. if you roll the barrel and shoot at the same time and die the game crashes.

cool game! at the begining I thought it was just one play but then I saw the game, and after that 1 hour felt like nothing hahahaha loved the mechanics!
Please check out my game, I released past week and I am looking for feedbacks

Great game; I discovered that Russian roulette is too risky for me

achei muito legal a ideia, tá incrível 

Please please PLEASE port this to iOS app store, I love this game and it’d be great to be able to play it at work on my breaks


Apple does require developpers to pay a fee to keep their app there, if I'm not mistaken. So unless I'm mistaken, or people are willing to donate to them for that, don't think it'll ever happen.

aw man :/


YOO I beat the game!


I got the frog helmet, maxed out my dodge in the ability menu, had the worst finger in the west, and a big revolver (the nine round one)


I have a theory 9 rounds might be better than 10

I got holy grail, worst finger in the west, the dominoes (for healing purposes), and a very large revolver (the 10 round one) and I beat the game. I didn't max out anything

this game sucks ass i shot my self once and it damaged me by  30% of my max hp 

i shot again cuz hu gives a fuck it deals 30% dmg and i have 70% AND THEN I DIED

im just mad cuz im bad

Crit chance, I got one-shot at 40% crit chance and lv8 dmg

(1 edit)

If you have 2 rat feet, frog hat, and full dodge upgrade you still can get hit. Do not take your time trying to get 2 rat feet lol

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

you can just stop playing,no one is making you play

(1 edit)

Honestly this is a full skill issue. You are not understanding the game. You can easily use the healing spell and move to 1st square to heal up using dominoes, pumpkin, or upgrades. Theres a healing spell and an upgrade which heals you even if the bullet fires.

Having the dominoes and pumpkin helmet then getting the upgrade to get items occasionally when you shoot is a very easy setup to win. Put at least 2 spaces in between the bullets. Go back to square 1, spin and shoot a lot, when you get hit shoot 2 times then reset your gun. Do this until you have the item that revives if you are so bad at the game then just fully load your gun and get hit. Once you die go back to square 1, use healing spell, then have the 2 spaces in between the bullets.

These directions are quite overcomplicated, time wasting, and can easily be changed to be more efficient.

This message has been edited due to initial misunderstanding of message I am responding to and parts that may be interpreted as violating section 3 of the T.O.S.

Deleted 1 year ago
(3 edits) (+2)

Put 2 bullets and space them enough so you can heal after you get hit

Also modernator blocked and reported me :p

I don't see what part of the rules or tos I violated so modernator if you see this can you tell me?

PLUS it can take about 20 minutes to beat the game, 5 minutes to get a good start, 5 to get good upgrades and 10 more to clear all the tiles


Game is absolutely amazing. Found a pretty good loop gaining a lot of mana and seeing each bullet. Definitely will try to win a different way

Found the same tactic myself xd


This is such an amazing game, I'm determined to reach the end, although it feels like luck just hates me sometimes lol-


this game is utter fucking bullshit


Oh no! Hope you get well soon.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Oh no! Hope you get well soon.

Why report me? What section of the tos did I violate or rules did I break? Wishing you get well is nothing compared to you commenting "fuck you" and "what a bullshit game this is".

Deleted 207 days ago

How salty can you be? You call the game horrible because of your massive skill issue, you report someone for nothing because they said "Oh no! Hope you get well soon." Smh.


lol its not that deep


MP build + Insight + Biggest gun you can get is absolutely broken


Yep. You just need enough luck to make it until you get insight (just 4 levels), then you need only a little bit more luck to get enough MP regen to keep it rolling, eventually you will get bigger guns and just win. Using two bullets from the start is quite helpful too.


Exactly what I did after dying maybe 20 times lol


In my opinion the finger (25% misfire) and the jester's hat (25% dodge) are literally the best items in the game (other than the holy grail but that is literally so expensive its impossible to get).

Imo the cathedral bell paired with the frog ring and the dominoes with the heal spell is the best combo


Such a great ending



I tried selling my only gun to buy a bigger one and got this, to my surprise




Has anyone else never ever used mp? Or am I playing the game wrong or something? I've played a bunch but I've never seen a use for it.

You unlock spells in upgrade tree. They are the blue upgrades.

I know what they are. I just have never used the

Try using insight, easy win



Пиксель-арт прям очень хорош!


Да ладно! РУсскиииииййй


rush B, suka blyat

А ты кто-то из разрабов или просто мимо проходил?

Мимо проходил, но игры тоже делаю.

го может в ВК найдёмся?

How often does the shop reset? is it triggered by certain actions or is it random? I've played dozens of times, maybe even a hundred or more by this point, but I can't figure it out

so after 5 roulettes on a tile or area you stop getting exp, i think thats when it resets

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