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(1 edit) (+1)

i can't take out the trash :/ UNLESS i AM the trash


there's trash all around, find things that aren't grass in the grass and press space :)


no problem! after that go to the thing by the tree and put it there!

pick up the trash with space and then go by the dumpster behind the house and press 1 or 2 wherever your trash is.

(2 edits)

thx  btw i thing mine has a glitch i only see rocks when i pick stuff from the corners and they glitch on the same space help.... i rlly want to play .plz . someone tell me if it is a glitch

how do you make dinner all I can figure out is how to cut the apple.

go to the garden and press space, then cut the carrot

oh, also, get the bowl (next to the knife) and then put the apple and carrot in there

Thank you!

i forgot to add, you have to combine the apple and carrot first! also no problem!


*consuming the juicy crops*


they yummy


I love the music so much!!!


The music hurts my ears.

i loved this game! its good overall:) but kinda confusing maybe try adding some small tutorials? other than that i liked it!


How to deal with Thomas?


with knife

Deleted 3 years ago

Thank you 


what did he say





then make it better

pls help idk what i should doooooo



I have so many questions

-Who is Mike and how did he appear in the floating isand?

-How did Mike die?

-Where was Mike before he died

-Why did the MC go crazy?

-Did we travel thought time when the numbers started going backwards?

-What were these red things?

-Are there multiple endings?

- Was the blue thing a catepilar?

- How did the blue thing get near my house?

-How did we end up in space on a floating island?




Nice profile pic! ;)


thx :)) urs is better tho cuz b i r d


b e r d


Ok um I have a theory

1.  Mike was the MCs friend. I think the world ended and all the land of the earth broke off a lot and floated away and now its just the MC.

2. He probably got killed by MC because the MC was losing his sanity and Mike was annoying to him and they were fighting maybe?

3. Prob on the island with MC

4. The MC went crzy cause its just life in a island. The same thing. Nothing new. I think MC created the to do list so he could FEEL like he was doing something but then he succumbed to insanity.

5. No that was MC going CRAZY, remember MC doesnt have any way to measure time expect for counting days..and he as going insane..

6. Flesh bulbs it seems, from the thornus thing

7. I dont think so

8. A mutated caterpillar I think

9. It was mutated it might be due to the MC mowing the lawn and the mower had some toxic stuff in it? or the dirt

10. The rest of the land broke off from earth


Thank you for wasting your time to answer to these questions-

It was pretty useful, so um...have a great day :D

Red things were probably human remains growing. maybe the MC went insane because he was alone for so long that his mind went ape-sh1t nd went insane.  Mike probably died of illness and the MC didn't want to keep his dead body around so he buried it. same goes with others, after he does say the nearest hospital isn't close so who knows what happened. blue caterpillar seems to be an alien. probably got there looking for something. idk bout the floating space thing. numbers probably went backwards just for effect or the feeling or restarting the same thing over and over. most is theory besides the blue thing.

(1 edit)

Thank you :D 

I guess your theories kinda make sense, thank you for wasting your time to answer to this old post-

np, i had nothing better to-do [no pun intended]


(1 edit)

I think either my boy got sent to the prison realm or he's just  straight up extremely kookoo and the void + floating island is a hallucination. If the latter is true, the caterpillars (blue things) might actually be people that came to check up on the MC (possibly police), and the flesh crops (red things) might be the remains of his victims.

oh wait some guy made a better theory 


hey I'm not sure if it's just me, but whenever I play this game it feels like I'm missing some dialogue? For example when the uh. "Fun Thing" appears in the yard, it should have some more dialogue, but I only get one box of text. Thomas doesn't talk to me either. :( I know there should be more, because I've seen youtube videos of this game, but I can't get all of the dialogue for some reason. It's like it skips, but I don't know how to get it NOT to skip. I've used every variation of the controls so I don't know what to do.

Is this a glitch or are other people experiencing this too? I know it's been two years or so and might not be worth updating, but I really like this game and I wish I could have the same experience as others.

Yes, most likely something has changed globally in browsers.

Unfortunately at the moment there is no possibility of rebuild the game (the latest version of Game Maker for some reason is not friendly with browsers). The only way out is to play the Windows version for now.


I see, I'll just stick with downloading the windows version. It does work better that way. Thank you for replying, and happy holidays!

Cool game!



I loved this game! Personally i liked the story and the little tasks you had to do.

wow super love this, neat concept and not toooo difficult. really love this



And my mom wonder's why I never do my chores...this is what happens!


I played this with my sister, and it was so amazing! The building suspense made it even better! Wish there was a sequel!


So fun! I love the concept and how it's executed! A well-spent 10 minutes.


Fantastic game. I'm absolutely speechless. Create a longer version and I'm gonna buy it! 


great game 10/10


Well.. that went from 0 to 60 fast. Great game! Very disturbing in all the right ways, and I loved the art.


Great music, nice work!

This to do list is... normal until stuff start happening. IT may seems like normal person living on a normal floating island, but things quickly turn south when his face changes... I need closures man... what is he? What is he... growing?! 


i genuinely love this game so much. i found it when i was in a weird place mentally and it helped me a lot, so thank you!! 


Ok, ok, i know this one's old, but I liked it and now I can share it :D


made an account just for this
hi, this is my favorite game ever. i am not kidding. i am not joking. sometimes i think about this game and get super happy!! i play it a lot, and im working on trying to do a speedrun. i have so many thoughts and theories and it's just such a fascinating little story!! i love mike and the MC, i love how we can only wonder, i love how simple yet chilling it is. the idea of the island, the tasks, seeing the gradual detoriation of the MC, and whatever the ending was... woah!! i wish more people knew about this game, because it's honestly just such a fun wonderful experience!! it feels sort of like earthbound, in the fun, funny, but ultimately chilling story, the amazing 8bit music, and the expert use of cosmic horror. honestly, i think my life was better because i found this little game!! i can't count the amount of times i told someone i love everything about it (infodumping!!) and they listened and talked about it too!! the island itself is wonderful, feeling peaceful yet desolate, and hints of story and the MC's past are just sprinkled in perfectly. thank you for making this game!! 


9.6/10 overall

10/10 creepy

Really enjoyed this game, although I found myself running around in circles trying to solve the puzzles... but that was more user error than anything else. I liked how the game progressed and how things subtlety changed throughout the fruition of the gameplay. Great use of audio and a great twist to a game... I really recommend it!

So so game.

(Copy & paste for others to read)

To Do List is a small-scale experimental game, you are a nameless man doing chores from a single white sheet of paper.

There isn't much to describe the gameplay you are doing chores, from day-to-day the program becomes different. Thankfully, the chores continue diversified per day, no queries concerning repetition. Now, it isn't problem-free: You can still move with the tasks opened, and there are some punctuation errors.
The visuals are sharp and well-done. Don't be fool by the cute pixels on display there is a sinister side. The environment is almost empty; a house, a shed, a garden and compost and near infinity emptiness of the cosmos.

The music is excellent, beautifully rhythmic of chiptunes and synthwaves and unbelievably catchy. Cleverly cheerful to hide the loneliness of the character's predicament.

To the boys and girls, yes, it is a Cosmic Horror. The whole goal (in my opinion) is: We are living mundane lives, cogs in a mechanical way of living, the to-do list is the anchor keeping our sanity from going critical furthermore, taking our control of our being away from us, stuck in a perpetual loop of tasks and facilities.
To Do List as an innovative Cosmic Horror formula of simplicity, while maintaining a self-contained environment and a fine example of the genre's ability to adopted the ordinary, dull objectives of a seamlessly harmless of "keeping busy."


loved it!


loved this game... warning: volume loud (editing error) lol

Help i am unable to make dinner he is hungry


to make dinner get the knife and bowl go over to the garden then to the tree for apples


Ah thanks :)


terrifying, thank you


I can't get past the lawnmower part on day 6... I can see the mower in the shed but i can't click it... not with my trackpad or my spacebar.. Idk if this is a glitch or if I'm doing something wrong but it's not working..

press Z

(1 edit) (+1)

how to kill pests

(1 edit)

no sequel? :(

btw i love this game it's amazing


a sequel please!

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